Happiness Confessions

World Renowned Thinkers reflect on Happiness

Stefan Sagmeister

Famous designer, artist & filmmaker.

Alina Villasante

Founder & CEO Peace, Love, World

Chude Jideonwo

Nigerian lawyer, journalist and media entrepreneur. Founder of Joy, Inc.

Allison Wagner

Olympic swimmer medalist. Former world record-holder.

Mo Gawdat

Former Chief Business Officer of Google X.

Giancarlo Molero

Happiness Innovator & Founder Toy Feliz

Isaac Prilleltensky PH.D.

Author, Former Dean of the School of Education University of Miami

Sandro Formica

International Speaker, author & professor

Tal Ben-Shahar

Harvard Happiness Professor & Expert. International Author & Speaker.

Happiness Confessions – Trailer

World Renowned Thinkers reflect on Wellbeing. Branded Series.

Vicente Fox – Former president of Mexico

Former President of Mexico

Branded Content Series - World Happiness Summit